Donor Advised Funds
How to Support the Women’s Foundation of Boston Through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is an investment account for philanthropic giving that offers tax benefits and flexibility to support the charities that mean the most to you. Donors can contribute cash or other financial assets, invest those funds, and donate them to charities.
The Advantages of a DAF

You can establish a DAF with sponsoring organizations such as Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, Vanguard Charitable, and others. You can advise the investment allocation of the assets and recommend grant disbursements to qualified public charities of your choice. The DAF sponsor will handle all recordkeeping, disbursements and receipts.

When you add to your DAF, you can receive an immediate tax deduction. You can then donate to charities over time, keeping the timing of your tax deduction separate from your philanthropic decision-making.

Tax Efficiency
Contributions to your DAF are tax-deductible and any investment growth is tax-free. It’s easy to donate long term appreciated securities to a DAF, allowing you to support multiple charities using one block of stock while eliminating capital gains.

Donors may choose to remain anonymous to the recipient.

Family Legacy
A DAF can be a powerful way to continue or build a tradition of family philanthropy.