Investing in women supports not only the women themselves, but also their families and communities on a greater scale. Statistics show that investing in women creates positive economic returns across generations and throughout communities.
There’s a gap nationwide in philanthropic funding:
- Only 1.9% of all U.S. charitable giving is directed specifically towards women and girls
- Nearly 40% of general foundation giving is sent overseas - twice the rate at which other giving is internationally directed.
- 70% of households living in poverty are led by single women
Investing in women and girls impacts everyone:
- Women reinvest 90% of their incomes in their families and communities (vs. 30-40% for men)
- Gender equality is associated with faster economic growth, higher per capita incomes, and greater levels of health and education.
The city of Boston has a revolutionary past. By creating and advancing opportunities for its women and girls, we can help it have an equally revolutionary future. Join us!