January is National Mentoring Month, a time to recognize the power of building relationships that support learning and help people reach their full potential. In January 2024, President Joseph Biden, Jr., released a proclamation declaring the importance of National Mentoring Month, noting, “For most young people, a bond or even a conversation with someone who believes in them can make a tremendous difference in their lives, exposing them to new goals, new ideas, and new ways of doing things.”


Impactful Benefits of Mentorship

The benefits of being mentored have a long-lasting impact well into adulthood. According to MENTOR, a champion for the mentoring movement, adults who had mentor relationships as youth report:


Strong Relationships Open Doors for Women and Girls

Especially for women and girls, a strong relationship with a mentor can inspire them to dream big, overcome obstacles, and achieve their greatest potential. The Women’s Foundation of Boston, whose mission is to economically empower women and girls, understands the positive outcomes of mentoring and supports organizations that share this purpose. WFBoston grantee partners Big Sister Association of Greater Boston and Strong Women, Strong Girls both focus on mentorship as a way to change perspectives and open doors.

Big Sister Boston photo
Big Sister program participants.

Big Sister Boston Mentor Matches To Navigate Life Journeys

Big Sister Association of Greater Boston ignites girls’ passion and power to succeed through positive mentoring relationships with women and enrichment programs that support girls’ healthy development. Big Sister Boston has received multiple grants over the years from WFBoston, the most recent gift being a three-year grant to support Big for a Day, a program that lets girls waiting for a permanent big sister match engage in an enrichment activity in the areas of health & fitness, STEM, civic engagement, career & education, and the arts, hosted by local organizations. This program serves to bring in new volunteers, spark corporate interest, and increase the number of girls served by the organization.


College mentors with their student mentees.

Strong Women, Strong Girls Champions Potential

Grantee partner Strong Women, Strong Girls Boston (SWSG) champions the aspirations and potential of girls and women by connecting three generations through mentorship. Female college mentors meet weekly with girls in grades three through five, and, in turn, those college mentors are then connected to professional women to help guide them as leaders. WFBoston is currently funding two multi-year grants for SWSG. The first, a 2021 three-year gift, is funding the salary for a Program Engagement Coordinator, tasked with increasing the number of mentoring program sites, expanding capacity for mentor training, implementing program improvements, and ensuring the sustainability of the overall program. The second grant supports the expansion of the curriculum to the Gateway Cities north of Boston, where there is a crucial need.


Donate Today to Empower Women and Girls To Reach Their Full Potential

We know that mentorship offers life-changing outcomes for women and girls. Organizations like Big Sister Boston and Strong Women, Strong Girls Boston, are role models for success with these types of initiatives. But they can’t do the hard work they’re doing with support from outside partners like the Women’s Foundation of Boston. A donation to WFBoston is an investment in the future of women and girls who thrive with the compassion and knowledge a mentor provides. Make 2024 the year that you make a difference in someone’s life. Donate to the Women’s Foundation of Boston today!