The Women’s Foundation of Boston has had a clear quantitative impact on women and girls in Massachusetts. Since launching in 2017, the Foundation, whose mission is to economically empower women and girls in Greater Boston, has awarded over $6.1M in grants, funded 86 high-impact programs, and empowered more than 16,000 women and girls. However, the Foundation’s investment in the nonprofits it supports is not strictly financial. The Women’s Foundation of Boston’s multi-year investments and partnerships have strengthened our nonprofit partners and enabled them to strategically grow.


How Is WFBoston’s Grant Program Unique?

The Women’s Foundation of Boston focuses on multi-year grants, with the average grant spanning three years. This multi-year approach gives the nonprofit partners the ability to build momentum and increase the impact of programming over time. They can work on new projects that can’t be completed in one year, allowing them to grow programming strategically and deliberately. By biannually reviewing metrics on granted programs with the partners, WFBoston is establishing more accountability, ensuring that programming is effective and impactful.

Girls on the Run Greater Boston Quote


Bringing Together Leaders to Share Knowledge and Experiences

The Foundation also supports its grantee partners by connecting the leaders of these organizations with each other and to the vast network of WFBoston business leaders. For example, in 2019, the Women in Nonprofit (WIN) program was created through a joint initiative between the Women’s Foundation of Boston and the Red Sox Foundation. The following year, 2020, BoardHub launched with the goal of helping grantee partners strengthen their relationships with their organization’s board of directors. Since the inception of these initiatives, participants have praised the programs, stating they “positively impacted their
strategic planning, financial health, board development, and ability to obtain additional funding.”


WFBoston's Women in Nonprofit (WIN) outingWomen in Nonprofit (WIN) Connects Nonprofit Leaders

WIN opens communication between women Executive Directors/CEOs from Boston-area nonprofits to mentor and learn from each other. WIN hosts events bringing together nonprofit leaders to share best practices, strategies, and resources. Since WIN began in 2019, these events have brought together hundreds of nonprofit leaders to discuss topics such as staff recruitment and retention, fundraising strategies, and leveraging your board of directors. The program is helping advance the leadership skills of nonprofit leaders who often don’t have the funding to build upon their already accomplished skill set.


BoardHub Helps Nonprofit Leaders Create an Effective Board

BoardHub, which launched in 2020, provides complimentary consulting on best practices and tools related to the effectiveness of the nonprofit’s operations, strategic planning and Board development. This program helps nonprofit leaders determine optimal board composition, develop strategies to build strong and diverse talent pipelines, and learn how to structure committees and meetings. BoardHub promotes the idea that a successful board is the backbone of a healthy nonprofit.

Mother Caroline Academy Quote


Why Donate Now to Invest in Women and Girls?

The Women’s Foundation of Boston is moving the needle forward on philanthropic giving for programs supporting women and girls. Research shows that in Massachusetts, only 1.4% of giving goes to nonprofits focused on this segment of the population. By offering a holistic approach to supporting these nonprofits, WFBoston is helping to build on the grantee partner’s successes and reach more participants. We know that investing in women and girls has a multiplier effect on families and the community, so DONATE TODAY to help financially empower more women and girls in Massachusetts.